"Inclusion and multicultural education
- Kindergarten Josefínka and Vendelínek "
CZ.07.4.68 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 17_45 / 0001174
We implement - Professionally focused thematic meetings and cooperation with children's parents.
Topics - The principle of an open school, the principle of democratic education - How to choose a suitable elementary school
organization of summer entertainment and educational activities for children and youth
evaluation of school programs
PR of the Talent Center and its economic functioning
We implement - Professional meetings - Interest in events and solving the problem of the site - Work with gifted children, children with SVP - PhDr. Jitka Fořtíková, Ph.D., Director of the Talent Center, Contact: jitka.fortikova@centrumnadani.cz, professional guarantor of the pedagogical section
We implement - Professional meetings - Intercultural, global, development education, the principle of democratic education, the principle of open school Mgr. Martina Štanclová
We support children with OMJ, there are bilingual assistants at the school.
We organize - community activities of the school - under the project "WE ARE TOGETHER"
· Production of birdhouses, Plucking Halloween pumpkins
· Production of Advent wreath, lantern procession
· Carnival procession in masks, Easter creation - egg coloring, Seating for mothers - Mother's Day celebration
· Kindergarten Party - A celebration of the entire nursery's birthday
· Olympics for Dads - Father's Day celebration
· One of the most popular events is "Pajama Nights", where children sleep overnight in kindergarten.
We are a co - communication project of a kindergarten
In our kindergarten, we mainly support the time spent by children together with their parents, which is under the auspices of the popular project "We Are Together".
Our kindergarten is open to parents.
We organize many joint afternoon events for parents.
Our parents are treated with respect and dignity in kindergarten. Our aunts are based on mutual and effective cooperation.
The following cooperation is offered to our parents in the kindergarten:
· All organizational information, plans and other events are sent to email.
· Feedback every week about what is happening in kindergarten through Facebook kindergartens.
· Individual consultation meetings.
· Possibility of individual adaptation program.
· Joint creative, artistic and working afternoons.
· Possibility to rent books and home literature.
· Opportunity to participate in the event "What does my father and mother do" and thus present their profession to children in a non-traditional way.
· Looking into the portfolio of children - where worksheets, works of art, record sheets on education, individual needs and the course of adaptation are established.
The school received financial support from the European Union for the project.