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Developing children's potential since 2010


Naši první mateřskou školu jsme založili před 14 lety.

Postupem času jsme zjistili, že klíčem k úspěchu je cílený rozvoj potenciálu dětí.

K tomu využíváme unikátní česko-anglický vzdělávací program GENIUS Mind.

Dnes provozujeme tři mateřské školy a základní školu. Naši nejlepší vizitkou jsou děti, které se k nám těší.

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"Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its entire life knowing that it can't."


Albert Einstein

The name GENIUS was chosen to connect with the main philosophy of the schools, which is that children are born as creative geniuses with a certain potential. The potential needs to be discovered and developed in a targeted manner. As Albert Einstein said, who stated how important it is to adapt education to the individual's personality.


The fish in the logo refers to Einstein's quote and is meant to remind us of what we do and why.

Our vision

The mission of our schools is to enable children to discover and develop their unique potential. In the foreground is the student, his talent
and individuality.

To ensure to parents that their child receives a high-quality education in a friendly and safe environment of an educational institution that offers comprehensive services (speech therapy, physiotherapy, psychological and special counseling services) and has a secondary school system.

The output should be a resilient, well-educated individual with the preservation of his uniqueness, his potential and exceptionality with an open mind for the coming society, century..)


To keep our team enthusiastic, motivated and constantly developing in the realization of their inner mission and passion for education.

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The values of GENIUS schools


what we do is exceptional


 talking together and listening to each other is the basis


we are not afraid to try new things in education


 we are professionals and we have the highest expectations


 we behave responsibly towards the environment


we respect the unique personality and needs of the individual

We work together

We would like to thank all our partners for their cooperation.

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Templates IV for GENIUS Kindergarten o.p.s. was co-financed by the European Union.

As part of the Templates IV project for GENIUS Kindergarten o.p.s. we finance the further education of kindergarten staff as well as personnel support aimed at increasing the quality of education provided to children with a different mother tongue.

Project registration number: CZ.02.02.XX/00/22_002/0004102

Templates for GENIUS Kindergarten ops - CZ.02.02.XX/00/24_034/0011662

As part of the Templates for GENIUS Kindergarten project, we are financing personnel support - a bilingual kindergarten assistant.

The activity allows us to test and provide greater support for a certain period, especially to children with a different mother tongue. We also finance further training of teaching staff.

Templates for GENIUS Kindergarten mateřská škola s.r.o. - CZ.02.02.XX/00/24_034/0011660

As part of the Templates for GENIUS Kindergarten project, we are financing personnel support - a bilingual kindergarten assistant.

The activity allows us to test and provide greater support for a certain period, especially to children with a different mother tongue. We also finance further training of teaching staff.

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© Copyright 2025 by GENIUS SCHOOL

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